Essential Vocabulary for the GRE【Part 5】401. contend ~ 500. demagogic


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Essential Vocabulary for the GRE【Part 5】401. contend ~ 500. demagogic


401. contend [verb]

to compete in order to win something or to achieve a position of leadership:

During the trial, the defense attorney will contend his client is innocent because he was out of state when the murder was committed.


402. contiguous [adjective]

next to or touching another, usually similar, thing:

Although many individuals own several pieces of property in our town, few of them own contiguous lots that are located right next to each other.


403. continence [noun]

self-restraint or abstinence, especially in regard to sexual activity:

My continence gave me the strength to avoid the dessert table.


404. contraband [noun]

goods that are brought into or taken out of the country secretly and illegally:

At the airport, carryon bags are inspected to ensure passengers are not attempting to transport contraband.


405. contravene [verb]

to do something that a law or rule does not allow, or to break a law or rule:

Because your actions contravene school policy, you're being suspended for ten days.


406. contrite [adjective]

feeling very sorry and guilty for something bad that you have done:

The local news was noticeably contrite and apologized to viewers for the countless on-air technical difficulties.


407. contrive [verb]

to arrange a situation or event, or arrange for something to happen, using clever planning:

I've decided to contrive a meeting between the two of them.


408. contumacious [adjective]

refusing to obey or respect the law in a way that shows contempt:

Because the contumacious student refused to obey the principal’s instructions, he was suspended from school.


409. conundrum [noun]

a problem that is difficult to deal with:

Trying to solve this conundrum is really making my head hurt.


410. convene [verb]

to bring together a group of people for a meeting, or to meet for a meeting:

As soon as the last closing argument is made, the jury will convene to ponder the verdict.


411. convention [noun]

a usual or accepted way of behaving, especially in social situations, often following an old way of thinking or a custom in one particular society:

They believe that it is essential to defy convention.


412. converge [verb]

to move toward the same point and come closer together or meet:

With the location and time of the would-be protest shared with everyone beforehand, the many protesters involved will converge on the town hall at exactly eight AM.


413. conversant [adjective]

familiar with, having experience of, or knowing:

The man is conversant in several different languages including French and English.


414. convex [adjective]

curved or swelling out:

The convex curve of the scythe allows for the tool to wrap around the wheat like a closed hand.


415. convince [verb]

to persuade someone or make someone certain:

Protesters tried to convince the congressman to vote against the bill through loud protests and moving letters.


416. convivial [adjective]

pleasant and friendly in manner or attitude:

If you cannot be convivial, then you should not invite people over for dinner.


417. convoke [verb]

to arrange or call people to attend a large formal meeting:

The chairman decided to convoke a meeting to discuss the company’s budget issue.


418. convolute [adjective]

having a complicated structure and therefore difficult to understand:

My head began to hurt as I listened to the professor’s convoluted speech.


419. convulse [verb]

to shake violently, or to cause someone to shake without control:

During the seizure, the man’s muscles tightened, and his body began to convulse back and forth.


420. copious [adjective]

in large amounts, or more than enough:

To avoid having a hangover, do not drink a copious amount of alcohol.


421. coquette [noun]

a woman who likes to attract attention by behaving as if she is sexually interested in people, in a pleasant but not serious way:

When the young man saw the coquette playfully teasing other men at the party, he was heartbroken.


422. cornerstone [noun]

something of great importance that everything else depends on:

The cornerstone of the company’s marketing strategy is the dessert’s image as a healthy treat.


423. cornucopia [noun]

a large amount or supply of something:

According to the cruise director, passengers can choose from a cornucopia of activities during the voyage.


424. corollary [adjective]

existing or appearing as a consequence:

Although psychology recognizes the corollary uncertainties in computer-dependent methods, it tends to underestimate them.


425. corrigible [adjective]

possible to improve or correct:

The judge believed that there was hope for the corrigible criminal.






426. corroborate [verb]

to add proof to an account, statement, idea, etc. with new information:

We now have new evidence to corroborate the defendant's story.


427. cosmology [noun]

the study of the nature and origin of the universe:

Modern cosmology believes the Universe to have come into existence about fifteen billion years ago.


428. cosset [verb]

to give a lot of attention to making someone comfortable and to protecting them from anything unpleasant:

She had been cosseted by her parents all during her childhood.


429. coterie [noun]

a small group of people with shared interests, often one that does not want other people to join them:

Our coterie of girls always sits at the best table in the school cafeteria.


430. countenance [verb]

to approve of or give support to something:

The school will not countenance bad behavior.


431. counterpoint [verb]

to set off or emphasize by juxtaposition:

If you counterpoint some of her early writing with her later work, you can see just how much she improved.


432. counterproductive [adjective]

having an effect that is opposite to the one intended or wanted:

The measures are counterproductive and have only increased crime in our community.


433. coup [noun]

an unexpectedly successful achievement:

Their story about the princess was a real coup.


434. covert [adjective]

hidden or secret:

The spy went to great lengths to make sure his enemies would not discover his covert plans.


435. covetous [adjective]

wanting to have something too much, especially something that belongs to someone else:

The covetous woman couldn’t stop staring at my designer handbag.


436. cow [verb]

to frighten someone into doing something, using threats or violence:

Politicians are too cowed by the media even to introduce the bill.


437. coward [noun]

a person who is not brave and is too eager to avoid danger, difficulty, or pain:

Because Tim was a coward, he was afraid to ask Maggie on a date.


438. cower [verb]

to lower your head or body in fear, often while moving backwards:

The mean girls at school thought they would make me cower in shame when they posted the altered pictures of me online.


439. cozen [verb]

to trick or deceive someone:

The smooth-talking salesman was able to cozen money out of the unsuspecting woman who agreed to buy the junk vehicle.


440. crafty [adjective]

clever, especially in a dishonest or secret way:

I've had a crafty idea for getting round the regulations.


441. crank [noun]

a person who has strange or unusual ideas and beliefs:

He was originally dismissed as a crank, but his theories later became very influential.


442. craven [adjective]

extremely cowardly:

My husband James proves he is not craven every time he runs into a burning building to save a stranger.


443. credence [noun]

the belief that something is true:

Because the experiment had been performed over a hundred times, a great deal of credence was given to the results.


444. credo [noun]

a set of beliefs that influences the way you live:

The luxury hotel has earned its reputation by sticking to its credo of exceeding expectations.


445. credulous [adjective]

too willing to believe what you are told and so easily deceived:

Mary is so credulous that she may readily accept any excuse you make.


446. crestfallen [adjective]

disappointed and sad because of having failed unexpectedly:

When my husband learned his rival had gotten the promotion he wanted, he was crestfallen.


447. cripple [verb]

to cause serious damage to someone or something, making him, her, or it weak and not effective:

Economic sanctions have crippled the country’s economy.


448. cruel [adjective]

extremely unkind and unpleasant and causing pain to people or animals intentionally:

Cruel and punishing dictators governed the country for many years.


449. crumble [verb]

to break, or cause something to break, into small pieces:

Ancient ruins that are exposed to weathering eventually erode and crumble.


450. culminate [verb]

to have as a result or be the final result of a process:

At the end of the night, the concert will culminate in a huge fireworks display.






451. culpable [adjective]

deserving to be blamed or considered responsible for something bad:

The judge found the man culpable of the crime and sentenced him to life in prison.


452. culprit [noun]

someone who has committed a crime or done something wrong:

Police finally managed to catch the culprit.


453. cunning [adjective]

skillful in planning and ready to deceive people in order to get what you want:

Despite the complex security systems in modern vehicles, cunning thieves still manage to get away with thousands of cars and trucks every year.


454. cupidity [noun]

a strong feeling of wanting to have something, especially money or possessions:

John’s cupidity led him to try and rob the bank.


455. cure-all [noun]

something that people think will solve any problem or cure any illness:

Investment is not a cure-all for every economic problem.


456. curmudgeon [noun]

a crusty, ill-tempered, and usually old man:

My neighbor is a curmudgeon who keeps the soccer balls that accidentally come into his yard.


457. cursive [adjective]

written with rounded letters that are joined together:

Cursive writing is no longer taught in some school since the use of computer has replaced traditional writing.


458. cursory [adjective]

quick and probably not detailed:

Even a cursory glance at the figures will tell you that sales are down this year.


459. curt [adjective]

rude as a result of being very quick or brief:

The service agent was fired after he was overheard treating customers in a curt manner.


460. curtail [verb]

to reduce or limit something, or to stop something before it is finished:

The checks and balances system of our government serves to curtail any of the three administrative branches from having too much power.


461. cutback [verb]

to shorten by cutting:

Ways to cutback corporate waste in offices are being discussed by those that want to decrease spending.


462. cynicism [noun]

cynical attitude or quality:

He's often been accused of cynicism in his attitude towards politics.


463. cytoplasm [noun]

the substance inside a cell that surrounds the cell's nucleus:

A cytoplasm is a thick solution inside a cell and is made up of water, salts, and proteins.


464. dairy [noun]

foods that are made from milk, such as cream, butter, and cheese:

Some smoothies are dairy because they have cream in them, but some are made strictly with ice and not milk.


465. dally [verb]

to waste time or do something slowly:

You won’t succeed if you dally away your time.


466. daunt [verb]

to make someone feel slightly frightened or worried about their ability to achieve something:

The difficulty did not daunt him at all, while most of us hesitated to progress in these challenging times.


467. dearth [noun]

an amount or supply that is not large enough:

Because there was a dearth of evidence, the district attorney had to drop the charges.


468. debacle [noun]

a complete failure, especially because of bad planning and organization:

When the movie was released, it was called a debacle by the critics.


469. debase [verb]

to reduce the quality or value of something:

The politician tried to debase his rival’s good reputation by spreading false rumors about him.


470. debauchery [noun]

bad sexual behavior, drinking too much alcohol, taking drugs, etc.:

Because he was looking forward to four years of debauchery, Jamie could not wait to go to college.


471. debunk [verb]

to show that something is not true:

The scientist hoped to debunk the genetic theory by completing his own research.


472. decadent [adjective]

marked by decay or decline:

Once the decadent politician was finally caught in the scandalous affair he was having, he was dismissed from office.


473. decamp [verb]

to leave suddenly and unexpectedly, usually without telling anyone:

She has decamped with all our money.


474. decipher [verb]

to discover the meaning of something written badly or in a difficult or hidden way:

Even the country’s top linguist found it difficult to decipher the ancient text.


475. declaim [verb]

to express something with strong feeling, especially in a loud voice or with forceful language:

She declaimed against the evils of capitalism.






476. declivity [noun]

downward inclination, or a descending slope:

She has a hard time walking from her house to the lake due to her street’s slight declivity.


477. décor [noun]

the colour, style, and arrangement of the objects in a room:

The quiet decor of her home made her feel comfortable and at ease.


478. decorous [adjective]

behaving politely and in a controlled way:

The director of the finishing school is a decorous woman known for her perfect social skills.


479. decry [verb]

to publicly criticize something as being undesirable or harmful:

The liberal news media is constantly trying to decry the efforts of the country’s conservative president.


480. deduce [verb]

to reach an answer by thinking about a general truth and its relationship to a specific situation:

We can deduce a conclusion from the premise.


481. deem [verb]

to consider or judge something in a particular way:

The principal will probably deem the boy’s behavior as upsetting and worthy of a suspension.


482. defame [verb]

to damage someone’s or something’s reputation by saying or writing bad things that are not true:

The newspaper denies any intention to defame the senator's reputation.


483. default [noun]

a failure to do something, such as pay a debt, that you legally have to do:

The bank will repossess your car if you default on your loan payments.


484. defeasible [adjective]

capable of being annulled or made void:

The contract was rendered defeasible by this careless wording.


485. defendant [noun]

a person in a law case who is accused of having done something illegal:

The plaintiff sued the defendant for damages.


486. defer [verb]

to delay something until a later time:

Customers often defer payment for as long as possible.


487. deferential [adjective]

polite and showing respect:

People were always deferential to the military veteran and showed him respect every time he was in uniform.


488. defile [verb]

to spoil something or someone so that that thing or person is less beautiful or pure:

Although recent history has shown some improvement, humans continue to defile the planet with their extravagance and waste of natural resources.


489. deft [adjective]

skilful, clever, or quick:

The deft musician was able to play the harmonica and the piano at the same time.


490. defunct [adjective]

no longer existing, living, or working correctly:

The long-playing record was made defunct by the arrival of the CD.


491. degrade [verb]

to spoil or destroy the beauty or quality of something:

During the presidential debate, the candidates degrade each other with insults and name-calling.


492. deify [verb]

to consider someone or something to be so important that they are almost like a god:

The people seemed to deify their leader, worshiping him as if he was the Earth’s creator.


493. deject [verb]

to make gloomy:

The players were dejected after losing the big game.


494. deleterious [adjective]


Because I believe alcohol is deleterious, I rarely drink more than one glass of wine.


495. delimit [verb]

to mark or describe the limits of something:

After the conflict broke out in Yugoslavia, world leaders came together to delimit boundaries and break the region into individual countries.


496. delineate [verb]

to mark the border of something:

Before I began to plant my seeds, I will delineate the rows of my garden to make sure every vegetable grows in a precise line.


497. delinquent [adjective]

late in paying money owed:

With so many bills delinquent, Kevin had to look for a second job to help him earn enough to catch up.


498. delusion [noun]

belief in something that is not true:

Though she is popular, my classmate is under the delusion that everyone likes her.


499. delve [verb]

to search, especially as if by digging, in order to find a thing or information:

Because she was planning a trip, the woman began to delve into a search for plane tickets.


500. demagogic [adjective]

trying to win support by exciting the emotions of ordinary people rather than by having good or morally right ideas:

Demagogic governments sometimes paint foreigners as scapegoats, leading to nationalization or laws restricting foreign investment.





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