Essential Vocabulary for the GRE【Part 9】801. fledgling ~ 900. hasten


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Essential Vocabulary for the GRE【Part 9】801. fledgling ~ 900. hasten


801. fledgling [noun]

new and without experience:

The fledgling writer could use the benefit of a good editor.


802. fleet [adjective]

able to run quickly:

She was slight and fleet of foot.


803. flimsy [adjective]

very thin, or easily broken or destroyed:

Their flimsy tent offered little protection against the severe storm.


804. flora [noun]

all the plants of a particular place or from a particular time in history:

Flora in the eastern region includes over 7000 types of plants.


805. florid [adjective]

tinged with red; elaborately decorated:

After being embarrassed by a marriage proposal at the basketball game, my sister had a florid face.


806. flout [verb]

to intentionally disobey a rule or law, or to intentionally avoid behavior that is usual or expected:

He conducted business in his pajamas to flout convention.


807. fluke [noun]

something good that has happened that is the result of chance instead of skill or planning:

Since I didn’t study or attend class on a regular basis, it was simply a fluke that I passed the exam.


808. flummox [verb]

to confuse someone so much that they do not know what to do:

The defense attorney’s questions were designed to flummox the prosecuting witness.


809. flux [noun]

continuous change:

Because the electricity is in flux, the hotel can’t guarantee that the air conditioning will work throughout the night.


810. foible [noun]

a small fault or foolish habit:

Although many people consider his impatience as a foible, I view it as a passion to get things done.


811. foment [verb]

to cause something bad or illegal to develop:

The publicity-hungry politician often made harsh statements about immigrants in order to foment unrest among the public.


812. for all


For all her experience, she was still prone to nerves.


813. forage [verb]

to go from place to place searching for things that you can eat or use:

They were forced to forage for clothing and fuel in the past.


814. forbear [verb]

to prevent yourself from saying or doing something, especially in a way that shows control, good judgment, or kindness to others:

He could not forbear from expressing his disagreement.


815. forbearance [noun]

the quality of being patient and being able to forgive someone or control yourself in a difficult situation:

The police officer showed forbearance when he let the young thief off with a warning.


816. ford [noun]

an area in a river or stream that is not deep and can be crossed on foot or in a vehicle:

He has stopped at the ford to let the horses drink.


817. forebear [noun]

an ancestor:

While researching my family tree, I noticed a forebear of mine was born in Iceland at the turn of the century.


818. forebode [verb]

to foretell or predict:

Meteorologists forebode the bad weather, but their prediction was a lot milder than the actual storm.


819. foresight [noun]

the ability to judge correctly what is going to happen in the future and plan your actions based on this knowledge:

Barbara’s foresight led her to buy the stock before it tripled in value.


820. forestall [verb]

to prevent something from happening by acting first:

We must act right now to forestall disaster.


821. forgery [noun]

an illegal copy of a document, painting, etc. or the crime of making such illegal copies:

The art of forgery focuses on creating fakes of everything from money to paintings, making them look as real as possible.


822. forgo [verb]

to give up or do without:

I will forgo drinking at his birthday party because I am the designated driver.


823. formidable [adjective]

strong and powerful, and therefore difficult to deal with if opposed to you:

The formidable hurricane lasted for 30 hours and destroyed a lot of buildings on the island.


824. forswear [verb]

to make a serious decision to stop doing something:

Hopefully the new treaty will forswear nations from obtaining nuclear weapons.


825. forte [noun]

a strong ability, something that a person can do well:

Although dancing was her forte, she never considered having a career in entertainment.






826. fortress [noun]

a large, strong building or group of buildings that can be defended from attack:

The tall fortress was surrounded by a swampy moat and drawbridge to keep enemies out.


827. fortuitous [adjective]

not planned, happening by chance:

His success depended on a fortuitous combination of circumstances and encounters.


828. founder [verb]

to fail or be unsuccessful, because of problems:

In recent years, her career has been foundering.


829. fracas [noun]

a noisy argument or fight:

The husband and wife were fined by the judge for starting a fracas in court.


830. fractious [adjective]

easily upset or annoyed, and often complaining:

The inexperienced teacher found the fractious students difficult to control.


831. frank [adjective]

honest, sincere, and telling the truth, even when this might be awkward or make other people uncomfortable:

A frank conversation was needed between the father and his unruly son.


832. fraught [adjective]

causing or having extreme worry or anxiety:

Even though the contract looks good at first glance, it is actually fraught with contradictions.


833. frenetic [adjective]

involving a lot of movement or activity; extremely active, excited, or uncontrollable:

The sales floor was even more frenetic than usual because of the big clearance sale yesterday.


834. frieze [noun]

a narrow piece of decoration along a wall, either inside a room or on the outside of a building just under the roof:

Containing the most famous frieze of all time, the Parthenon in Athens has a band of sculpture across the top.


835. froward [adjective]

habitually disposed to disobedience and opposition:

The froward child refused to listen to her parents and was disobedient most of the time.


836. frugal [adjective]

careful in spending money:

I wanted front row seats, but my frugal husband wanted to save a bundle by purchasing back row seats.


837. fulfillment [noun]

the act of doing something that you have promised or intended to do:

Many people experience a sense of fulfillment when they finally achieve their life’s dream, or even when they take a step towards it.


838. fulminate [verb]

to criticize strongly:

The disgruntled customer continued to fulminate over a price difference.


839. fulsome [adjective]

expressing a lot of admiration or praise for someone, often too much, in a way that does not sound sincere:

In an attempt to earn a promotion, she offended her boss with her fulsome compliments.


840. furious [adjective]

extremely angry:

The prospective cadet was furious with himself for oversleeping and disqualifying himself from the academy.


841. furnish [verb]

to put furniture in a place:

The advertisement stated that the owners would furnish the apartment with tables, chairs, beds and a couch.


842. furtive [adjective]

done or acting secretly and quietly to avoid being noticed:

She walked outside in a furtive manner so that her parents would not see her.


843. fusion [noun]

an occasion when two or more things join or are combined:

The movie displayed a perfect fusion of image and sound.


844. futile [adjective]

having no effect or achieving nothing:

The president described these activities as futile.


845. gaffe [noun]

an embarrassing mistake:

Because of the quarterback’s gaffe, our team lost the big game.


846. gainsay [verb]

to refuse to accept something as the truth:

Since he told the truth on the witness stand, no one was able to gainsay his statement.


847. gambol [verb]

to run and jump in a happy way:

Because of the rain, students are unable to gambol on the playground during recess.


848. garland [noun]

a circle made of flowers and leaves worn around the neck or head as a decoration:

She twined the flowers into a garland.


849. garment [noun]

a piece of clothing:

The saleswoman are very knowledgeable while helping me find the right garment to wear at my cousin’s wedding.


850. garner [verb]

to get or earn something valuable or respected, often with difficulty:

The teacher allowed us to put up posters to garner interest in our club fundraiser.






851. garrulous [adjective]

having the habit of talking a lot, especially about things that are not important:

Though my window is closed, I can still hear my garrulous neighbors loudly gossip in the night.


852. gauche [adjective]

awkward and uncomfortable with other people, especially because young and without experience:

His gauche table manners make me cringe, especially when he tries to talk with his mouth full.


853. gaudy [adjective]

having too many bright colors:

When she returned from the nail salon, she showed me her gaudy nails that were painted bright orange.


854. genial [adjective]

friendly and pleasant:

The genial hosts made sure everyone enjoyed the party.


855. genuine [adjective]

real and exactly what it appears to be:

Throughout history, many con artists have tried to pass off fake items as genuine holy relics.


856. germane [adjective]

being relevant and appropriate:

Since we were running out of time, our professor asked us to limit our questions to those germane to today’s lecture.


857. gestation [noun]

the period of the development of a child or young animal while it is still inside its mother's body:

The baby was born prematurely at 28 weeks gestation.


858. gist [noun]

the most important pieces of information about something, or general information without details:

The first paragraph of the report should provide readers with the gist of the paper.


859. give teeth

to make something stronger or more effective, especially a rule or piece of legislation:

The severe penalty really gives teeth to the law.


860. glacial [adjective]

extremely unfriendly:

She gave me a glacial smile when we passed each other on the stairs.


861. glib [adjective]

speaking or spoken in a confident way, but without careful thought or honesty:

The glib comments he made about the brewing conflict tells me that he is not very well-informed about the subject.


862. glower [verb]

to look very angry, annoyed, or threatening:

After the boxers shook hands, they began to glower at each other.


863. goad [verb]

to make a person or an animal react or do something by continuously annoying or upsetting them:

As a teacher, she was constantly looking for positive ways to goad her students into learning more.


864. gossamer [adjective]

very delicate and light:

Her white gossamer scarf was practically transparent.


865. gouge [noun]

a hole that has been made roughly or violently:

The refrigerator's legs left gouges in the vinyl flooring when I moved it out to clean behind it.


866. graft [verb]

to take and put in place a graft:

Skin was removed from her leg and grafted on her face.


867. grandiloquent [adjective]

a lofty, extravagantly colorful, pompous, or bombastic style, manner, or quality especially in language:

Even though Rick did not understand the grandiloquent words, he still used them to impress his wealthy friends.


868. grandiose [adjective]

larger and containing more detail than necessary, or intended to seem important or great:

The idea of throwing a party on top of the swimming pool seemed quite grandiose to everyone in the room.


869. grandstand [verb]

to play or act so as to impress onlookers:

The senator doesn't hesitate to grandstand if it makes her point.


870. gratify [verb]

to please someone, or to satisfy a wish or need:

Hopefully, the chocolate bar will gratify my desire for something sweet.


871. grating [adjective]

causing irritation or annoyance:

The sound of his grating voice complaining all day was driving me crazy.


872. gratuitous [adjective]

not necessary, or with no cause:

Even though I had been looking forward to seeing the movie, I walked out of the theater after thirty minutes because of so much gratuitous foul language.


873. gregarious [adjective]

liking to be with other people:

She is such a gregarious and outgoing person.


874. grievance [noun]

a complaint or a strong feeling that you have been treated unfairly:

His grievance against her neighbor has turned into a civil lawsuit.


875. grievous [adjective]

having very serious effects or causing great pain:

A verbal insult can sometimes cause a more grievous injury than any physical assault.






876. grizzle [verb]

to make grayish:

His grizzled beard was no longer black like it was in his youth.


877. groan [noun]

a deep, long sound showing great pain or unhappiness:

The rescuers could hear the groans of someone trapped in the rubble.


878. grouse [verb]

to complain:

She's always grousing about how she's been treated by the manager.


879. grovel [verb]

to lie facing the ground, especially in fear, or to behave toward someone in a way that shows that you are small and unimportant and the other person is powerful:

The dog was willing to grovel for the biscuit.


880. guile [noun]

clever but sometimes dishonest behavior that you use to deceive someone:

Although she pretends to be sweet and innocent, she has used her guile to become one of the most popular celebrities in the world.


881. guise [noun]

the appearance of someone or something, especially when intended to deceive:

Under the guise of a police officer, the crook walked into the bank and easily robbed the tellers.


882. gullible [adjective]

easily deceived or tricked, and too willing to believe everything that other people say:

The gullible woman gave her money to a fake charity.


883. guru [noun]

an expert in a particular subject who gives advice:

Because the voice teacher is viewed as a musical guru, she has a two year waiting list for her classes.


884. gustatory [adjective]

connected with taste:

Masticatory and gustatory stimuli appear to stimulate salivation through different mechanisms.


885. hackneyed [adjective]

used or said so often that it seems ordinary, meaningless, or not sincere:

Politicians tend to repeat the same hackneyed expressions over and over again.


886. halcyon [adjective]

calm or peaceful:

I was very content during the halcyon days of my childhood.


887. hale [adjective]

free from defect, disease, or infirmity:

Although he just turned eighty-five years old, Jimmy is still hale and healthy.


888. hallmark [noun]

a typical characteristic or feature of a person or thing:

Simplicity is a hallmark of this design.


889. hallowed [adjective]

very respected and praised because of great importance or great age:

Every word that the respected sage uttered was considered at once to be hallowed, sacred and holy.


890. hamstring [verb]

to prevent an activity, or to block the effectiveness of someone or something:

The company was hamstrung by traditional but inefficient ways of conducting business.


891. hand-wringing [noun]

clasping and squeezing of the hands, often in distress:

That led many political commentators to indulge in hand-wringing about how apathetic Californians were about representative government.


892. hanker [verb]

to have a strong desire for something:

The homesick woman began to hanker for a trip to see her parents.


893. hapless [adjective]

unlucky and usually unhappy:

The hapless passengers were stranded at the airport for three days.


894. happenstance [noun]

chance or a chance situation, especially one producing a good result:

I found this delightful hotel by happenstance.


895. harangue [verb]

to speak to someone or a group of people, often for a long time, in a forceful and sometimes angry way, especially to persuade them:

He harangued the class for half an hour about not paying attention.


896. harbinger [noun]

a person or thing that shows that something is going to happen soon, especially something bad:

Everyone knows the groundhog is the harbinger of a change in seasons.


897. hard-line [adjective]

extreme and severe and not likely to change:

The religious extremist would not change his hard-line views no matter who tried to convince him.


898. hardy [adjective]

strong enough to bear extreme conditions or difficult situations:

Trees in the woodland are hardy, withstanding cold winters and severe weather in the spring.


899. harrowing [adjective]

extremely upsetting because connected with suffering:

She told us a harrowing tale of misfortunes.


900. hasten [verb]

to make something happen sooner or more quickly:

When the store manager saw the long lines at the registers, he called for more cashiers to hasten customer checkouts.





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