Essential Vocabulary for the GRE【Part 19】1801. sentry ~ 1900. stupefy


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Essential Vocabulary for the GRE【Part 19】1801. sentry ~ 1900. stupefy


1801. sentry [noun]

a soldier who guards a place, usually by standing at its entrance:

The squad were on sentry duty last night.


1802. seraphic [adjective]

beautiful in a way that suggests that someone is morally good and pure:

When the children put on their angel costumes, they looked seraphic.


1803. serendipity [noun]

the fact of finding interesting or valuable things by chance:

There is a real element of serendipity in archaeology.


1804. serenity [noun]

the quality of being peaceful and calm:

Many individuals find that yoga is a great way to experience serenity.


1805. servile [adjective]

too eager to serve and please someone else in a way that shows you do not have much respect for yourself:

Some individuals are so servile that other people take advantage of their submissiveness.


1806. shady [adjective]

sheltered from direct light from the sun:

He was involved in shady deals in the past.


1807. shard [noun]

a piece of a broken glass, cup, container, or similar object:

Shards of glass have been cemented into the top of the wall to stop people climbing over.


1808. sheath [noun]

a close-fitting covering to protect something:

A thin sheath covered the scalpel and other sharp instruments while not in use.


1809. shirk [verb]

to avoid work, duties, or responsibilities, especially if they are difficult or unpleasant:

A lazy manager often attempts to shirk his responsibilities by passing his tasks on to his workers.


1810. shore [verb]

to give support to:

He called for action to shore up the ailing university.


1811. shrewd [adjective]

able to judge a situation accurately and turn it to your own advantage:

He is a very shrewd businessman.


1812. sidereal [adjective]

of or calculated by the stars:

The scientist’s calculations were based on sidereal time, which was related to the earth’s rotation around fixed planets.


1813. sidestep [verb]

to avoid talking about a subject, especially by starting to talk about something else:

The speaker sidestepped the question by saying that it would take him too long to answer it.


1814. simian [adjective]

of or like a monkey:

The actor mimicked simian movements for his role in Planet of the Apes.


1815. simile [noun]

an expression including the words "like" or "as" to compare one thing with another:

The simile, tough as nails, best applies to a person who is not easily frightened and has a strong, determined mindset.


1816. simpatico [adjective]

having shared qualities, interests, etc.:

Finding a simpatico partner in life has become easier for many single people since there are so many dating sites to find people with similarities.


1817. simulacrum [noun]

something that looks like or represents something else:

Crowds marched through the streets carrying burning simulacrums of the president.


1818. sincere [adjective]


The judge agreed to lighten his sentence as he made a sincere effort to improve his behavior.


1819. sinecure [noun]

a position which involves little work, but for which the person is paid:

Even though we all thought of the job as a sinecure, Jane took her position very seriously and always worked late into the evening.


1820. singular [adjective]

of an unusual quality or standard:

Although it isn’t widely known, the book is regarded as a singular and powerful piece of 19th century writing.


1821. sinister [adjective]

making you feel that something bad or evil might happen:

She has dark, sinister eyes that make you nervous when she looks at you.


1822. sinuous [adjective]

moving in a twisting, curving, or indirect way, or having many curves:

According to the treasure map, the cave is located at the end of the sinuous path that winds up the mountain.


1823. skeletal [adjective]

used to describe something that exists in its most basic form:

The newspaper report gave only a skeletal account of the debate.


1824. skeptic [noun]

a person who doubts the truth or value of an idea or belief:

The scientist was a religious skeptic and had trouble believing God exists.


1825. skittish [adjective]

nervous or easily frightened:

My horse is very skittish, so I have to keep him away from traffic.






1826. skulk [verb]

to hide or move around as if trying not to be seen, usually with bad intentions:

When the criminal surveyed the jewelry store, he tried to skulk around the neighborhood without being noticed.


1827. slack [adjective]

not busy or happening in a positive way:

Discipline in Mr. Brown's class has become very slack recently.


1828. slake [verb]

to satisfy a feeling of being thirsty or of wanting something:

This electrolyte water should help slake the runners’ thirst during the marathon.


1829. slanderous [adjective]

false, and damaging to someone's reputation:

He makes slanderous statement about the president on television.


1830. sloth [noun]

unwillingness to work or make any effort:

The report criticizes the government's sloth in tackling environmental problems.


1831. slouch [verb]

to stand, sit, or walk with the shoulders hanging forward and the head bent slightly over so that you look tired and bored:

A couple of boys were slouched over the table reading magazines.


1832. smite [verb]

to hit someone forcefully or to have a sudden powerful or damaging effect on someone:

He tried to smite his political rival by hitting her with negative ads and publicity.


1833. snub [verb]

to insult someone by not giving them any attention or treating them as if they are not important:

They are likely to snub people who aren’t just like them.


1834. sober [adjective]

serious and calm:

The woman’s expression was sober and sensible because she was generally a calm person.


1835. sobriety [noun]

the state of being sober:

Sobriety tests showed that the driver was inebriated and not able to operate a vehicle.


1836. sobriquet [noun]

a name given to someone or something that is not their or its real or official name:

The boxer’s sobriquet was “The Greatest.”


1837. sodden [adjective]

extremely wet:

My shoes were sodden after I walked a mile in the rain.


1838. soggy [adjective]

unpleasantly wet and soft:

The toddler spilled juice on her bread and refused to eat it because it was soggy.


1839. solace [noun]

help and comfort when you are feeling sad or worried:

Music was a great solace to me.


1840. solecism [noun]

a grammatical mistake:

She commits a lot of solecisms.


1841. solemnity [noun]

the quality of being serious:

The solemnity of the event dictates that guests wear formal clothing.


1842. solicitous [adjective]

showing care and helpful attention to someone:

She becomes angry at her overly solicitous mother.


1843. solidarity [noun]

agreement between and support for the members of a group:

The situation raises important questions about solidarity among member states.


1844. soliloquy [noun]

a speech in a play that the character speaks to himself or herself or to the people watching rather than to the other characters:

The actress’s soliloquy let the audience hear the character’s inner thoughts.


1845. solitary [adjective]

being the only one, or not being with other similar things, often by choice:

He enjoys solitary walks in the wilderness.


1846. solvent [adjective]

having enough money to pay all the money that is owed to other people:

Because the restaurant is not solvent, it will be closing in two weeks.


1847. somatic [adjective]

relating to the body as opposed to the mind:

It is difficult to link generic somatic symptoms, like an irregular heartbeat, to specific illness.


1848. somber [adjective]

serious, sad, and without humor or entertainment:

Sometimes the news is so somber that I turn off the television.


1849. sophistry [noun]

the clever use of arguments that seem true but are really false, in order to deceive people:

Surprisingly, many debates are won by individuals who make use of sophistry to convince others they know something they do not.


1850. soporific [adjective]

causing sleep or making a person want to sleep:

The professor’s boring speech was soporific and had everyone in the audience yawning.






1851. sordid [adjective]

dirty and unpleasant:

If people learn of the politician’s sordid past, they will not vote for him.


1852. sovereign [noun]

a king or queen:

King George was the sovereign of England.


1853. sparse [adjective]

small in numbers or amount, often spread over a large area:

The information available on the subject is sparse.


1854. spartan [adjective]

simple and severe with no comfort:

The monks have chosen to live a spartan life devoid of all luxuries.


1855. specious [adjective]

seeming to be right or true, but really wrong or false:

His whole argument is specious.


1856. specter [noun]

something that causes fear or worry:

The specter of inflation concerns many voters.


1857. spectroscope [noun]

a piece of equipment that separates light into its colors:

The spectroscope was used to analyze the light of the planetary nebula.


1858. spectrum [noun]

a range of objects, ideas, or opinions:

The survey provided the company with a wide spectrum of feedback on its products.


1859. speculative [adjective]

based on a guess and not on information:

After conducting the experiment, the researcher realized his speculative assumption was indeed a fact.


1860. spendthrift [noun]

spending a lot of money in a way that wastes it:

Because the lottery winner was a spendthrift, he spent his winnings in less than a year.


1861. sphere [noun]

a subject or area of knowledge, work, etc.:

Although she was not in his sphere of command, she still respected him as a leader.


1862. sporadic [adjective]

happening sometimes:

After the tornado, there were sporadic power outages in our town.


1863. spur [verb]

to encourage an activity or development or make it happen faster:

The chance to win a scholarship should spur my daughter into studying hard for the college admissions test.


1864. spurious [adjective]

based on false reasoning or information that is not true, and therefore not to be trusted:

After receiving a low appraisal on my diamond ring, I realized the suspicious-looking jeweler had sold me a spurious jewel.


1865. squalid [adjective]

extremely dirty and unpleasant, often because of lack of money:

Many prisons are overcrowded and squalid places even today.


1866. squalor [noun]

the condition of being extremely dirty and unpleasant, often because of lack of money:

These people are forced to live in squalor.


1867. squarely [adverb]

directly and with no doubt:

We have to face these issues squarely and honestly.


1868. squelch [verb]

to quickly end something that is causing you problems:

The senator thoroughly squelched the journalist who tried to interrupt him during his speech.


1869. staccato [adjective]

used to describe musical notes that are short and separate when played, or this way of playing music:

The song needs to be played in a staccato manner and not as a continuous melody.


1870. stalemate [verb]

to bring to a standstill:

Airport managers feared that a flood of private vehicles with few places to park could stalemate the loop road.


1871. stanch [verb]

to stop something happening, or to stop liquid, especially blood, from flowing out:

A tourniquet is designed to stanch bleeding from wounded limbs by cutting off the flow of blood from the heart to that limb.


1872. stanchion [noun]

a fixed vertical bar or pole used as a support for something:

If this stanchion is removed, the stairs will collapse.


1873. staple [noun]

a main product or part of something:

Phosphate has been a staple of this area for many years.


1874. stark [adjective]

empty, simple, or obvious, especially without decoration or anything that is not necessary:

The house’s living room was stark and held only one couch.


1875. stasis [noun]

a state that does not change:

The settlement meeting reached a stasis when both sides stopped talking to each other.






1876. staunch [adjective]

always loyal in supporting a person, organization, or set of beliefs or opinions:

He gained a reputation as being a staunch defender of civil rights.


1877. steadfast [adjective]

staying the same for a long time and not changing quickly or unexpectedly:

The group remained steadfast in its support for the new system, even when it was criticized in the newspapers.


1878. stentorian [adjective]

using a very loud voice, or very loud:

The stentorian music was so loud that it made my head hurt.


1879. stern [adjective]

severe, or showing disapproval:

Journalists received a stern warning not to go anywhere near the battleship.


1880. steward [noun]

a person whose job it is to organize a particular event, or to provide services to particular people, or to take care of a particular place:

If you need help at any time during the conference, one of the stewards will be pleased to help you.


1881. stigmatize [verb]

to treat someone or something unfairly by disapproving of him, her, or it:

People should not be stigmatized on the basis of race.


1882. stint [verb]

to provide, take, or use only a small amount of something:

She doesn’t stint when it comes to buying new clothes.


1883. stipulate [verb]

to state exactly what must be done:

The software company’s policies stipulate employees must take two fifteen-minute breaks a day.


1884. stir [verb]

to wake up or begin to move or take action:

The speech stirred the crowd to take action.


1885. stolid [adjective]

calm and not showing emotion or excitement:

He was a stolid man who did not even show his emotions at the funeral.


1886. stopgap [noun]

something intended for temporary use until something better or more suitable can be found:

Hostels are used as a stopgap until the families can find permanent accommodation.


1887. stout [adjective]

strongly made from thick:

I bought myself a pair of good stout hiking boots.


1888. stratagem [noun]

a carefully planned way of achieving or dealing with something, often involving a trick:

Her business stratagem allowed her to quickly rise to the top as a great success.


1889. stratification [noun]

the fact that the different parts of something exist in or have been arranged into separate groups:

The prime minister wants to reduce social stratification and make the country a classless society.


1890. stratum [noun]

one of the parts or layers into which something is separated:

Earth Scientists study stratum comprised of different types of rock.


1891. striate [verb]

to mark with striations or striae:

The canyon walls were striated with various colors of stratums.


1892. stricture [noun]

a severe moral or physical limit:

In college, the students must obey the stricture forbidding alcohol on campus.


1893. strident [adjective]

loud, unpleasant, and rough:

He often hears the strident argument between his neighbors.


1894. stringent [adjective]

having a very severe effect, or being extremely limiting:

Stringent safety regulations were introduced after the accident.


1895. strong suit

a particular skill or ability that a person has:

I'm afraid patience isn't exactly my strong suit.


1896. strut [noun]

a support for a structure such as an aircraft wing, roof, or bridge:

This strut braces the beam.


1897. studious [adjective]

liking to study:

The studious girl dreams of being the valedictorian of her class.


1898. stultify [verb]

to impair, invalidate, or make ineffective:

The regulations stultify the freedom of workers.


1899. stumble [verb]

to step awkwardly while walking or running and fall or begin to fall:

The runner started to stumble as he approached the finish line.


1900. stupefy [verb]

to make someone unable to think clearly, usually because they are extremely tired or have taken drugs:

Casinos offer free alcoholic drinks to stupefy patrons to the point that they are unaware of time and money spent.





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