Essential Vocabulary for the GRE【Part 13】1201. lukewarm ~ 1300. mortgage


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Essential Vocabulary for the GRE【Part 13】1201. lukewarm ~ 1300. mortgage


1201. lukewarm [adjective]

not enthusiastic or interested:

Both actors gave fairly lukewarm performances.


1202. lullaby [noun]

a quiet song that is sung to children to help them go to sleep:

The infant’s mother sang her Hush Little Baby every night, so it quickly became the child’s favorite lullaby.


1203. lumber [verb]

to move in a slow, awkward, and heavy way:

In the distance, we could see a herd of elephants lumbering across the plain.


1204. luminary [noun]

a person who is famous and important in a particular area of activity:

Because Dr. Swanson is a luminary in the medical profession, he recently had a surgical procedure named after him.


1205. luminous [adjective]

producing or reflecting bright light, especially in the dark:

The movie editor used the computer program to give the actress the luminous appearance of an angel.


1206. lurid [adjective]

causing horror or revulsion:

Because the testimony in the courtroom was lurid, the judge asked the defendant’s small children to remain outside in the hallway.


1207. lurk [verb]

to stay around a place secretly, or to stay hidden, waiting to attack or appear:

Hungry lions lurk in the tall grass and wait for unsuspecting gazelles to cross their path.


1208. lustrous [adjective]

very shiny:

Her lustrous eyes shined brightly under the glow of the full moon.


1209. macabre [adjective]

used to describe something that is very strange and unpleasant because it is connected with death or violence:

Police have made a macabre discovery.


1210. Machiavellian [adjective]

using clever but often dishonest methods that deceive people so that you can win power or control:

My supervisor is very sneaky and has been known to exhibit Machiavellian behavior in order to move up in the company.


1211. machination [noun]

a scheming or crafty action or artful design intended to accomplish some usually evil end:

Fortunately, law enforcement stepped in before the crazed man could put his machination into action.


1212. maelstrom [noun]

a situation in which there is great confusion, violence, and destruction:

The country is gradually being sucked into the maelstrom of civil war.


1213. magnanimous [adjective]

very kind and generous towards an enemy or someone you have defeated:

The team's manager was magnanimous in victory, and praised the losing team.


1214. magnate [noun]

a person who is very successful, powerful, and rich, especially in a particular business:

Due to his status as a political magnate, many people were eager to vote for him in the next election.


1215. magnum opus

the most important piece of work done by a writer or artist:

The author had written many books but didn’t release his magnum opus, Charlotte’s Web, until 1952.


1216. maize [noun]

a tall plant grown in many parts of the world for its yellow seeds, which are eaten as food, made into flour, or fed to animals:

The villagers cultivate mostly maize and beans.


1217. maladjusted [adjective]

poorly or inadequately adjusted:

The maladjusted teenager suffers from depression and has a hard time socializing with his classmates.


1218. maladroit [adjective]

awkward in movement or unskilled in behavior or action:

The nervous boy was maladroit and stuttered over his words as he invited the girl to the dance.


1219. malady [noun]

a disease, or a problem in the way something works:

After the surgery, my physical malady should not bother me anymore.


1220. malediction [noun]

words that are intended to bring bad luck to someone or that express the hope that someone will have bad luck:

The witch’s malediction made the young princess fall into a deep sleep.


1221. malevolent [adjective]

causing or wanting to cause harm or evil:

I could feel his malevolent gaze as I walked away.


1222. malicious [adjective]

intended to harm or upset other people:

She was hurt by malicious comments made about her on Facebook.


1223. malign [adjective]

causing or intending to cause harm or evil:

Foreign domination had a malign influence on local politics.


1224. malinger [verb]

to pretend to be ill in order to avoid having to work:

The lazy student tried to malinger when it was time to work on his essay.


1225. malleable [adjective]

easily influenced, trained, or controlled:

The most successful commercials are the ones which take advantage of the human mind’s ability to be malleable.






1226. mammalian [adjective]

relating to mammals:

The disease can spread from one mammalian species to another.


1227. manacle [verb]

to confine with manacles;

His arm was manacled to a ring on the wall.


1228. manifest [adjective]

easily noticed or obvious:

His manifest joy in music is evident as soon as he starts to speak.


1229. manipulate [verb]

to control something or someone to your advantage, often unfairly or dishonestly:

Some businesses manipulate their company profile by deleting negative reviews.


1230. mannered [adjective]

artificial, or intended to achieve a particular effect:

He continued to write, but his mannered prose was not well received.


1231. manumit [verb]

to release from slavery:

The terrible history of slavery includes stories of owners who might manumit a slave as a reward for serving in their stead in the Revolutionary War.


1232. mar [verb]

to spoil something, making it less good or less enjoyable:

Water will mar the finish of polished wood.


1233. marginal [adjective]

very small in amount or effect:

Because the difference in the paint colors is marginal, no one can tell Ann painted her kitchen using two dissimilar hues.


1234. marginalize [verb]

to treat someone or something as if they are not important:

We've always been marginalized, exploited, and constantly threatened by the ruthless leader.


1235. martial [adjective]

relating to soldiers, war, or life in the armed forces:

Even in his later years, my grandfather retained the martial posture that carried him through thirty-five years in the navy.


1236. martinet [noun]

someone who demands that rules and orders always be obeyed, even when it is unnecessary or unreasonable to do so:

As a colonel in the army, John is a martinet who believes discipline is the only path to success.


1237. martyr [noun]

a person who suffers very much or is killed because of their religious or political beliefs, and is often admired because of it:

Joan became a martyr after she lost her life in the fight again religious persecution.


1238. mastery [noun]

great skill in a particular job or activity:

My mother has earned her mastery in nursing through several years of school that required a lot of study and effort on her part.


1239. maudlin [adjective]

weakly and effusively sentimental:

I could not enjoy the movie because it was so maudlin that it came across as incredibly foolish.


1240. maverick [noun]

a person who thinks and acts in an independent way, often behaving differently from the expected or usual way:

She has established a reputation as a maverick.


1241. maxim [noun]

a short statement of a general truth, principle, or rule for behavior:

My grandmother had a wise maxim to help me get through all of my teenage crises.


1242. mayhem [noun]

a situation in which there is little or no order or control:

Their arrival caused mayhem as crowds of refugees rushed towards them.


1243. meager [adjective]

very small or not enough:

Because you only earn a meager salary, you should be very careful about your spending.

The prisoners existed on a meager diet.


1244. meddlesome [adjective]

often getting involved in situations where you are not wanted, especially by criticizing in a damaging or annoying way:

Meddlesome men spent their morning drinking coffee and discussing their neighbors business.


1245. mediator [noun]

a person who tries to end a disagreement by helping the two sides to talk about and agree on a solution:

A mediator was needed to help the divorcing couple come to an agreement.


1246. megalomania [noun]

an unnaturally strong wish for power and control, or the belief that you are very much more important and powerful than you really are:

The singer’s megalomania has turned her into an arrogant woman who is disliked by everyone who truly knows her.


1247. mélange [noun]

a mixture, or a group of different things or people:

The buffet had a mélange of food from various cultures.


1248. mellifluous [adjective]

having a pleasant and flowing sound:

The actor has a mellifluous voice that could lull anyone into a deep sleep.


1249. melodramatic [adjective]

showing much stronger emotions than are necessary or usual for a situation:

For the practical viewer, the soap opera was way too melodramatic.


1250. menace [verb]

to represent or pose a threat to:

The hurricane menaced the eastern coast for a week.






1251. mendacious [adjective]

not telling the truth:

Some of these statements are misleading and some are downright mendacious.


1252. mendicant [noun]

someone, especially a member of a religious group, who lives by asking people they do not know for money:

The mendicant hoped pedestrians would drop money in his bucket.


1253. mercenary [adjective]

interested only in the amount of money that you can get from a situation:

He had some mercenary scheme to marry a wealthy widow.


1254. mercurial [adjective]

changing suddenly and often:

Because Mary is taking a new medication, her moods have become quite mercurial.


1255. meretricious [adjective]

seeming attractive but really false or of little value:

He claims that a lot of journalism is meretricious and superficial.


1256. mesmerize [verb]

to hold completely the attention or interest of someone:

Because Jennifer was mesmerized by the author’s writing style, she purchased all of his books.


1257. messianic [adjective]

relating or belonging to a messiah:

He announced the imminent arrival of a messianic leader.


1258. metamorphosis [noun]

a complete change of character, appearance, or condition:

During this particular metamorphosis, the caterpillar becomes a butterfly.


1259. metaphor [noun]

an expression that describes a person or object by referring to something that is considered to possess similar characteristics:

The walking dictionary is a fitting metaphor used to describe the spelling bee champion.


1260. metaphysical [adjective]

relating to the part of philosophy that is about understanding existence and knowledge:

A lot of scientists don't like discussing metaphysical matters.


1261. metastasize [verb]

to spread or grow by or as if by metastasis:

The idea of revolution began to metastasize and spread from Moscow to the impoverished Russian countryside.


1262. meticulous [adjective]

very careful and with great attention to every detail:

This accounting job requires a meticulous person.


1263. mettle [noun]

ability and determination when competing or doing something difficult:

Maxwell joined several boards of directors in order to prove his mettle as a community leader.


1264. mettlesome [adjective]

full of mettle:

The actor was considered a mettlesome dramatic performer.


1265. microcosm [noun]

a small place, society, or situation that has the same characteristics as something much larger:

The airport sometimes seems likes a microcosm of the globe with people arriving and leaving from all over the world.


1266. milieu [noun]

the people, physical, and social conditions and events that provide the environment in which someone acts or lives:

Because my father grew up in a military milieu, he knew he wanted to join the armed forces when he graduated from high school.


1267. militate [verb]

to make something less likely to happen or succeed:

In business, the demand will usually militate the product’s price.


1268. mimetic [adjective]

representing or imitating something, especially in art:

Art is a mimetic representation of reality.


1269. minatory [adjective]

expressing a warning or a threat:

My boss’s minatory emails always seemed to be a mix of threatening and intimidating.


1270. minuscule [adjective]

extremely small:

Many fast food workers are quitting their jobs because of minuscule salaries.


1271. minutiae [noun]

small and often not important details:

The students ignored their teacher as she told them minutiae about her boring life.


1272. miraculous [adjective]

very effective or surprising, or difficult to believe:

Her miraculous recovery surprised the hospital staff.


1273. mire [noun]

an unpleasant situation that is difficult to escape:

We must not be drawn into the mire of civil war.


1274. mirth [noun]

laughter, humor, or happiness:

Her impersonations of our teachers were a source of considerable mirth.


1275. misanthrope [noun]

someone who dislikes and avoids other people:

The old man was a misanthrope who surrounded his entire yard with barbed wire to keep his neighbors at bay.






1276. miscellany [noun]

a mixture of different things:

The library contained a miscellany of various types of books including both nonfiction and fictional titles.


1277. miscreant [noun]

someone who behaves badly or does not obey rules:

The miscreant will not be able to get out of jail without the assistance of a good attorney.


1278. mishmash [noun]

a confused mixture:

The magazine is a jumbled mishmash of jokes, stories, and serious news.


1279. misnomer [noun]

a name that does not suit what it refers to, or the use of such a name:

Dry cleaning is a misnomer, since the clothes are cleaned in a fluid.


1280. misogyny [adjective]

feelings of hating women, or the belief that men are much better than women:

She left the Church because of its misogynist teachings on women and their position in society.


1281. missive [noun]

an official, formal, or long letter:

The school secretary has placed a missive regarding new evacuation procedures in all staff mailboxes.


1282. mistress [noun]

a woman who has control over or responsibility for someone or something:

I'll inform the mistress of your arrival.


1283. mitigate [verb]

to make something less harmful, unpleasant, or bad:

The doctor gave me a prescription to mitigate the pain.


1284. mnemonic [noun]

something such as a very short poem or a special word used to help a person remember something:

Our math professor taught us a simple mnemonic for remembering how to complete the equation.


1285. mock [verb]

to laugh at someone, often by copying them in a funny but unkind way:

She made fun of him by mocking his limp.


1286. modicum [noun]

a small amount:

There's not even a modicum of truth in her statement.


1287. modish [adjective]


The contemporary art lover prefers modish pieces over traditional pieces from the past.


1288. mollify [verb]

to make someone less angry or upset, or to make something less severe or more gentle:

I am hoping the hot tea and crackers will mollify my husband and help him relax.


1289. molt [verb]

to lose feathers, skin, or hair as a natural process before a new growth of feathers, skin, or hair:

With dead shreds of skin lying around the cage, it was apparent that the lizard did molt his skin.


1290. molten [adjective]

melted or made liquid by being heated to very high temperatures:

Molten lava erupted from the top of the volcano.


1291. monastic [adjective]

of or related to monasteries or monks:

For the new monks who had recently joined the monastery, the monastic lifestyle was quite shocking.


1292. monger [noun]

a person who encourages a particular activity, especially one that causes trouble:

The greedy monger raised the price of bread and milk during the blizzard.


1293. moot [adjective]

often discussed or argued about but having no definite answer:

Federal legislation will override the states’ concerns and make them moot.


1294. moralize [verb]

to express judgments about what is morally right and wrong:

The humorous storyteller tried not to moralize and rarely told stories that had a deeper meaning.


1295. morbid [adjective]

too interested in unpleasant subjects, especially death:

The morbid pictures of the victim should never have been put on the front page of the newspaper.


1296. mordant [adjective]

cruel and criticizing in a humorous way:

The mordant mother often used harsh words that made her son cry.


1297. moribund [adjective]

not active or successful:

The figures show a moribund remortgage market.


1298. morose [adjective]

unhappy, annoyed, and unwilling to speak or smile:

After their team lost the basketball game, the disappointed fans looked morose.


1299. mortal [noun]

an ordinary person, rather than a god or a special, important, or powerful person:

All human beings are mortal.


1300. mortgage [noun]

an agreement that allows you to borrow money from a bank or similar organization, especially in order to buy a house, or the amount of money itself:

The newly married couple checked the rates on the mortgage to determine how much they would have to pay for their dream home.





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