Essential Vocabulary for the GRE【Part 12】1101. inveterate ~ 1200. lugubrious


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Essential Vocabulary for the GRE【Part 12】1101. inveterate ~ 1200. lugubrious


1101. inveterate [adjective]

done as a habit and not likely to change:

Inveterate smokers are going to have a hard time handling all of the new smoking laws that limit the places in which they can smoke.


1102. invidious [adjective]

likely to cause unhappiness or offense:

The dictator’s invidious acts caused the people to rise up against him.


1103. invincible [adjective]

impossible to defeat or prevent from doing what is intended:

The team proved it was not invincible when it lost the last game of the season.


1104. iota [noun]

an extremely small amount:

If there is even one iota of doubt, the jury should not find the defendant guilty.


1105. irascible [adjective]

made angry easily:

She's becoming more and more irascible as she grows older.


1106. irksome [adjective]


To avoid the irksome security lines at the airport, Rick has applied for a screening pass that will allow him to reach his gate more quickly.


1107. ironclad [adjective]

sheathed in iron armor, or so firm or secure as to be unbreakable:

During the American Civil War, two ironclad ships fought each other without causing much damage due to the strong metal shield of the ships’ outer material.


1108. irradiate [verb]

to treat with light or other types of radiation:

His little face was irradiated by happiness.


1109. irreconcilable [adjective]

impossible to find agreement between or with, or impossible to deal with:

Deciding to go on vacation together seemed like a good idea, but they quickly realized that their ideas about budget limitations were irreconcilable.


1110. irrefutable [adjective]

impossible to prove wrong:

Genetic testing supports the scientist's theory that the link between the two species is irrefutable.


1111. irresolute [adjective]

not able or willing to take decisions or actions:

That is probably a consequence of irresolute policy and too much bureaucracy.


1112. irrevocable [adjective]

impossible to change:

Once the president signs the treaty, it will be binding and irrevocable.


1113. isosceles [adjective]

having two equal sides:

The base angles of an isosceles triangle are equal.


1114. itinerant [adjective]

travelling from one place to another, usually to work for a short period:

Jim loves the itinerant lifestyle of a musician because of the opportunities he has to travel from city to city.


1115. itinerary [noun]

a detailed plan or route of a journey:

Your itinerary includes a visit to Stonehenge.


1116. jaundice [noun]

a state or attitude characterized by satiety, distaste, or hostility:

Jealousy is the jaundice of the soul.


1117. jejune [adjective]

boring and not interesting:

Although Evan behaved in a jejune manner at the dinner party, he actually teaches international customs at a school for diplomats.


1118. jeopardize [verb]

to put something such as a plan or system in danger of being harmed or damaged:

Do not jeopardize your good grade by failing to turn in your assignment.


1119. jettison [verb]

to throw goods, fuel, or equipment from a ship or aircraft to make it lighter:

The captain was forced to jettison the cargo and make an emergency landing.


1120. jibe [verb]

to agree with something else:

The findings of the court did not jibe with the testimony of the witness.


1121. jingoism [noun]

the extreme belief that your own country is always best, often shown in enthusiastic support for a war against another country:

Patriotism can turn into jingoism and intolerance very quickly.


1122. jocose [adjective]

humorous or liking to play:

Robert is well known for his jocose disposition and always makes everyone around him laugh.


1123. jocular [adjective]

funny or intended to make someone laugh:

The jocular man is known for his funny punchlines.


1124. joust [verb]

to compete, especially for power or control:

The two teams are jousting for position at the top of the league.


1125. jovial [adjective]

friendly and in a good mood, or enjoyable because of being friendly and pleasant:

Stories describe Santa Claus as a jovial man who gives toys to children.






1126. juggernaut [noun]

a very large and powerful company, organization, or industry:

With the reveal of its best-selling innovation, the software company has become a juggernaut in the tech industry.


1127. junta [noun]

a small group, especially of military officers, that rules a country after taking power by force:

A military junta took control of the country.


1128. jurisprudence [noun]

the study of law and the principles on which law is based:

Even in high school, Evan read a great deal on jurisprudence because he knew he wanted to become a lawyer.


1129. juror [noun]

a member of a jury:

The attorney for the defense challenged the juror.


1130. jut [verb]

to stick out, especially above or past the edge or surface of something:

The edge of the cliff seemed to jut out over the ocean and disappear into a blanket of clouds.


1131. juxtapose [verb]

to put things that are not similar next to each other:

The interior designer likes to juxtapose light furniture against dark floors to create a dramatic contrast.


1132. keep at bay

to prevent someone or something from moving closer:

Ballista Towers provide the defenders with enough firepower to keep at bay.


1133. ken [noun]

not in your area of knowledge:

Financial matters are beyond my ken.


1134. kindle [verb]

to cause a fire to start burning:

This wood is too wet to kindle.


1135. kindred [noun]

a group of related individuals, or one's relatives:

Most of his kindred still live in Ireland.


1136. kinetic [adjective]

involving or producing movement:

A simple definition of kinetic energy is power in movement or motion.


1137. knell [noun]

a stroke or sound of a bell especially when rung slowly as for a death, funeral, or disaster:

Everyone took the company president’s resignation as the company’s knell of bankruptcy.


1138. kudos [noun]

praise, admiration, and fame received for an achievement:

Although the movie director received kudos from the critics, the public hated the film.


1139. labile [adjective]

changing often or easily:

Emotionally labile patients should not be given stimulants since they tend to cause moods to shift dramatically.


1140. laborious [adjective]

needing a lot of time and effort:

It may seem laborious when you just start exercising, but it gets easier over time.


1141. lace [verb]

to add alcohol or drugs to food or drink, often secretly:

She laced her coffee with brandy.


1142. lachrymose [adjective]

sad or likely to cry often and easily:

I do not enjoy watching sad movies with my lachrymose wife because she is way too sensitive.


1143. lackadaisical [adjective]

lacking enthusiasm and effort:

After the surgery, I was lackadaisical for several days.


1144. lackey [noun]

a servant or someone who behaves like one by obeying someone else's orders or by doing unpleasant work for them:

The wealthy gent’s lackey toted his luggage all over the resort.


1145. lackluster [adjective]

lacking energy and effort:

The U.S. number-one tennis player gave a disappointingly lackluster performance.


1146. laconic [adjective]

using very few words to express what you mean:

To save valuable time, give me a laconic explanation of what happened.


1147. lambaste [verb]

to criticize someone or something severely:

Even with its success, harsh party leaders continued to lambaste the plan for healthcare reform.


1148. landlord [noun]

a person or organization that owns a building or an area of land and is paid by other people for the use of it:

The landlord gave notice of the termination of tenancy.


1149. languid [adjective]

moving or speaking slowly with little energy, often in an attractive way:

He sat on the porch enjoying the delicious, languid warmth of a summer afternoon.


1150. larceny [noun]

stealing, especially the crime of taking something that does not belong to you, without illegally entering a building to do so:

He was arrested on a charge of larceny.






1151. largess [noun]

the fact of giving away money in a generous way:

Because of the millionaire’s largess, twenty underprivileged graduates now have college scholarships.


1152. lascivious [adjective]

feeling or expressing strong sexual desire:

After running naked through the field, he was arrested for lewd and lascivious behavior.


1153. lassitude [noun]

physical or mental tiredness:

After the long race, Jack experienced a feeling of lassitude.


1154. latent [adjective]

present, but not yet active, developed, or obvious:

The detective asked the lab technician to search the room for latent fingerprints.


1155. laud [verb]

to praise someone or something:

The company decided to laud his outstanding contributions to the firm.


1156. laudable [adjective]

deserving praise, even if there is little or no success:

While Jason did not win the contest, his efforts were laudable enough to be mentioned by the judges.


1157. laudatory [adjective]

expressing praise:

The laudatory announcement praised the team’s efforts during the championship game.


1158. laurel [noun]

a recognition of achievement:

She has rightly won laurels for this brilliantly perceptive first novel.


1159. lavish [adjective]

large in quantity and expensive or impressive:

Every room in the five-star hotel was filled with lavish furnishings.


1160. lax [adjective]

without much care, attention, or control:

The lax security at the event allowed people to just slip in and out unnoticed.


1161. laxity [noun]

the quality of not being severe or strong enough:

The prevalent laxity toward marriage causes the divorce rate to rise.


1162. leery [adjective]

not trusting someone or something and usually avoiding him, her, or it if possible:

The dog was leery of the man with the large stick.


1163. legerdemain [noun]

skilful tricks done as part of a performance:

The psychic uses legerdemain to convince people that she is talking to their future.


1164. legitimacy [noun]

the quality of being legal:

The lawyers expressed serious doubts about the legitimacy of military action.


1165. lethargic [adjective]

having little energy; feeling unwilling and unable to do anything:

During the hottest days of summer, I felt so lethargic that all I wanted to do was drinking iced tea.


1166. levee [noun]

a wall made of soil or other materials that is built next to a river to stop the river from overflowing:

A levee was created out of dirt and sandbags to keep creeping river from flooding the fields.


1167. levity [noun]

humor or lack of seriousness, especially during a serious occasion:

Karen’s parents were serious people who did not appreciate her acts of levity during church service.


1168. levy [verb]

to demand an amount of money, such as a tax, from a person or organization:

The Presidential candidate promised to levy a tax on foreign production in an effort to stimulate American manufacturing.


1169. liberal [adjective]

respecting and allowing many different types of beliefs or behavior:

Although my grandfather has some liberal ideas, he still does not believe in the notion of female soldiers.


1170. liberate [verb]

to help someone or something to be free:

Because the dogs were experiencing maltreatment, the compassionate man decided to liberate his neighbor’s animals.


1171. libertine [noun]

a person who is unrestrained by convention or morality:

Because Warren is a drunken libertine, he often comes into work with a hangover.


1172. licentious [adjective]

lacking legal or moral restraints:

It is assumed that pagan festivals once involved many licentious activities, including a number of sexual games.


1173. light-hearted [adjective]

happy and not serious:

It was a fairly light-hearted discussion.


1174. Lilliputian [adjective]

extremely small:

The Lilliputian trees looked like tiny bushes next to the tall redwoods.


1175. limelight [noun]

public attention and interest:

She's been in the limelight recently, following the release of her controversial new film.






1176. limn [verb]

to draw or paint on a surface:

The painter is known to limn pictures of his lovers on oil canvases.


1177. limpid [adjective]

clear and transparent:

Because the sky was not limpid, we could not see the stars.


1178. lineage [noun]

the members of a person's family who are directly related to that person and who lived a long time before him or her:

She's very proud of her ancient royal lineage.


1179. lionize [verb]

to make someone famous, or to treat someone as if they were famous:

The press began to lionize the celebrity enthusiastically.


1180. lissome [adjective]

attractively thin and able to move quickly and smoothly:

The lissome figure skater moved effortlessly on the ice.


1181. listless [adjective]

having no energy and enthusiasm and unwilling to do anything needing effort:

The illness made me so listless that I rarely got out of bed.


1182. litany [noun]

a usually lengthy recitation or enumeration:

When I listened to my mother’s litany of criticisms about the nursing home staff, I was shocked by some of her accusations.


1183. literati [noun]

people with a good education who know a lot about literature:

He was underrated as a writer by the literati.


1184. lithe [adjective]

young, healthy, attractive, and able to move and bend smoothly:

While Corinne has the lithe, agile body that would be perfect for gymnastics, she is too tall to manage some of the events.


1185. litigate [verb]

to cause an argument between people or groups to be discussed in a law court so that a judgment can be made:

After not reaching an agreement, the two parties decided to go to court to litigate the settlement.


1186. litter [verb]

to spread across an area or place untidily:

The sitting room was littered with books.


1187. littoral [adjective]

the part of a river, lake, or sea close to the land:

The littoral zone covers the region between high and low tide.


1188. livid [adjective]

extremely angry:

The taxpayers are livid about the proposed tax hike.


1189. loath [adjective]

to be unwilling to do something:

He is loath to get out of bed on cold mornings.


1190. lobby [verb]

to try to persuade an elected official to take a particular action or change a law:

Small businesses have lobbied hard for changes in the tax laws.


1191. lofty [adjective]


Although she has a lofty position as the vice-president of a billion dollar company, she still drives an economy car.


1192. long-winded [adjective]

tediously long in speaking or writing:

The student’s long-winded response was much more lengthy than the teacher required.


1193. loquacious [adjective]

having the habit of talking a lot:

After drinking four beers, my normally quiet wife becomes quite loquacious.


1194. lord [noun]

a man who has a lot of power in a particular area of activity:

The lord was in charge of ruling everyone in his district and used his power to his advantage.


1195. lounge [verb]

to pass time idly:

She often lounges on a beach after work.


1196. lubricious [adjective]

having or showing too great an interest in sex, especially in an unpleasant way:

The other sun-bathers admired the woman’s gleaming and lubricious skin.


1197. lucid [adjective]

clearly expressed and easy to understand, or thinking or reasoning clearly:

She gave a clear and lucid account of her plans for the company's future.


1198. lucrative [adjective]

producing much money or making a large profit:

The wealthy businessman was constantly on the lookout for lucrative ventures that would help him become even wealthier.


1199. lucre [noun]

money or profit:

He was blinded by the lust of lucre.


1200. lugubrious [adjective]

sad and serious:

In his first novel, the mysterious postman is the perfect example of a lugubrious character.





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