Essential Vocabulary for the GRE【Part 7】601. divest ~ 700. erstwhile


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Essential Vocabulary for the GRE【Part 7】601. divest ~ 700. erstwhile


601. divest [verb]

to get rid of an investment, part of a business, etc. by selling:

Under the new deal, the company agreed to divest itself of half its revenues, so they could distribute it among their creditors.


602. divinity [noun]

the state of being a god:

The divinity of Hercules is evident in the ancient myths told about him throughout time.


603. divisive [adjective]

tending to cause disagreements that separate people into opposing groups:

The divisive proposal split the committee into two opposing sides.


604. divulge [verb]

to make something secret known:

Doctors must be careful not to divulge confidential information about their patients.


605. doctrinaire [adjective]

based on and following fixed beliefs rather than considering practical problems:

His doctrinaire attitude turned off others as he attempted to force his personal beliefs.


606. document [verb]

to record information about something by writing about it or taking photographs of it:

The study documents various aspects of Indian life in this period.


607. doff [verb]

to remove your hat, usually to show respect:

He doffed his hat as they went by.


608. dogged [adjective]

very determined to do something, even if it is very difficult:

Even though John was miles behind the other runners, his dogged determination would not let him quit the race.


609. doggerel [noun]

poetry that is silly or badly written:

My professor called my poetry collection doggerel and gave me a failing grade on the project.


610. dogmatic [adjective]

strongly expressing your beliefs as if they were facts:

The preacher was a dogmatic individual who was quick to argue with anyone who challenged his opinion.


611. dormant [adjective]

not active or growing, but having the ability to be active at a later time:

Since the volcano is dormant right now, you do not have to be concerned about it erupting.


612. doting [adjective]

showing that you love someone very much:

We saw photographs of the doting father with the baby on his knee.


613. dovetail [verb]

to fit together well, or to cause something to fit together well with something else:

We've tried to dovetail our plans with theirs.


614. downplay [verb]

to make something seem less important or less bad than it really is:

Some politicians continue to downplay the seriousness of the virus, even though scientists are clear that it might lead to a nationwide pandemic.


615. doyen [noun]

the oldest, most experienced, and often most respected person of all the people involved in a particular type of work:

The doyen of the group joined the Boy Scouts of America before any of the other current members did.


616. draconian [adjective]

extremely severe:

The book is based on the true story of a seventeenth century draconian ruler who brutally killed anyone who disagreed with him.


617. droll [adjective]

humorous, especially in an unusual way:

I love this anthology because all the stories are droll and entertaining, rather than making me think too hard.


618. droplet [noun]

a small drop of liquid:

The virus is primarily transmitted between people through respiratory droplets and contact routes.


619. dross [noun]

something that has no use or no value:

The documentary was dross and taught me nothing new about our current president.


620. dubious [adjective]

feeling doubt or not feeling certain:

The firm was accused of dubious accounting practices.


621. dulcet [adjective]

soft and pleasant to listen to:

It does not take long for the baby to be comforted by his mother’s dulcet singing.


622. dull [adjective]

not clear, bright, or shiny:

We could just see a dull glow given off by the fire's last embers.


623. dupe [verb]

to deceive someone, usually by making that person do something that they did not intend to do:

My brother is a schemer who is always trying to dupe people out of their money.


624. duplicity [noun]

dishonest talk or behavior, especially by saying different things to two people:

Most politicians use duplicity to deceive voters just long enough to get their votes.


625. dwarf [verb]

to make something seem small by comparison:

The new skyscraper will dwarf all those near it.






626. dwindle [verb]

to become smaller in size or amount, or fewer in number:

As the number of workers began to dwindle because of the cutbacks, the workload of each person became intolerable.


627. dynamism [noun]

the quality of being dynamic:

The freshness and dynamism of her approach was welcomed by all her students.


628. dynamo [noun]

a device that changes energy of movement into electrical energy, or an energetic force:

The marketing dynamo was able to push the company’s new product to the toughest critics.


629. dyspeptic [adjective]

always angry or easily annoyed:

The dyspeptic man could not determine if he was happy or sad.


630. dystopia [noun]

a very bad or unfair society in which there is a lot of suffering, especially an imaginary society in the future, after something terrible has happened; a description of such a society:

The novel was set in an unfair society called a dystopia.


631. earnest [adjective]

sincere and serious:

The girl's earnest effort counterbalanced her slowness at learning.


632. earthy [adjective]

enjoying and being honest or clear about things connected to life, such as the body and emotions:

The stairs are decorated in golds and earthy browns.


633. ebullient [adjective]

very energetic, positive, and happy:

The ebullient song was so uplifting that I danced in my chair.


634. eccentric [adjective]

strange or unusual, sometimes in a humorous way:

The old lady has some eccentric habits.


635. echelon [noun]

a rank or position within an organization, company, or profession:

The prominent college ranks among the top echelon of schools in the nation.


636. eclectic [adjective]

consisting of different types, methods, styles, etc.:

The restaurant’s menu was eclectic and included foods from a number of ethnic groups and cultures.


637. eclipse [verb]

to make another person or thing seem much less important, good, or famous:

The economy has eclipsed all other issues during this election campaign.


638. edify [verb]

to improve someone's mind:

Travel is an edifying experience, especially for young people.


639. editorial [noun]

an article in a newspaper that expresses the editor's opinion on a subject of particular interest at the present time:

The newspaper editorial defamed the politician who often used duplicity.


640. effervescent [adjective]

active, positive, and full of energy:

The teacher called her personality effervescent because she was extremely bubbly.


641. effete [adjective]

weak and without much power:

During the middle ages, Greek civilization declined and became effete.


642. efficacious [adjective]

able to produce the intended result:

Because my medicine is very efficacious, I expect to feel better soon.


643. efficacy [noun]

the quality of being effective:

Fortunately, the new medicine verified the efficacy to reduce the amount of pain.


644. effigy [noun]

a model or other object that represents someone, especially one of a hated person that is hanged or burned in a public place:

As soon as the citizens learned their brutal leader was dead, they burned an effigy of his image.


645. effrontery [noun]

extreme rudeness without any ability to understand that your behavior is not acceptable to other people:

I was shocked that she had the effrontery to ask me for more money.


646. effusive [adjective]

expressing welcome, approval, or pleasure in a way that shows very strong feeling:

She was effusive in her praise of the judges who awarded her the trophy.


647. egotistical [adjective]

having, showing, or arising from an exaggerated sense of self-importance:

He doesn’t have many friends due to his egotistical personality keeping them away.


648. egregious [adjective]

extremely bad in a way that is very noticeable:

Even though he was told to be quiet in church, he was still egregious by talking loudly during the sermon.


649. egress [noun]

the act or way of leaving a place:

I had a panic attack in the haunted house when I could not find an egress leading to the outside.


650. elegy [noun]

a sad poem or song, especially remembering someone who has died or something in the past:

Since I am not an animal lover, I could only sigh as she sang an elegy for her dead cat.






651. elicit [verb]

to get or produce something, especially information or a reaction:

The comedian hoped his jokes would elicit a great deal of laughter from the audience.


652. elixir [noun]

a substance, usually a liquid, with a magical power to cure, improve, or preserve something:

The salesman was selling an elixir that he said would protect us all from the plague.


653. eloquent [adjective]

giving a clear, strong message:

The defense lawyer made an eloquent plea for his client's acquittal.


654. elucidate [verb]

to explain something or make something clear:

The aim of the report is to elucidate the main points of the new regulations.


655. elysian [adjective]

blissful, or delightful:

We spent three elysian weeks at Barbados away from work for summer vacation.


656. emaciated [adjective]

very thin and weak, usually because of illness or extreme hunger:

Because some sick animals refuse to eat, many of them become emaciated.


657. embed [verb]

to fix something firmly into a substance:

The long pole was embedded in cement.


658. embellish [verb]

to make something more beautiful by adding something to it:

Because Marco has always had a tendency to embellish the truth, no one believed he had been mugged.


659. embrace [verb]

to hold someone tightly with both arms to express love, liking, or sympathy, or when greeting or leaving someone:

The two children began to embrace and hug each other before saying goodbye.


660. embroil [verb]

to cause someone to become involved in an argument or a difficult situation:

I avoided my two best friends for a little while because I did not want to get embroiled in their dispute.


661. eminence [noun]

the state of being famous, respected, or important:

Taylor Swift’s eminence as a creative singer and style icon make her one of the most well known celebrities in the world.


662. emollient [adjective]

making dry or sore skin softer or less painful:

Almond oil is renowned for its soothing, emollient properties.


663. empathy [noun]

the ability to share someone else's feelings or experiences by imagining what it would be like to be in that person's situation:

Because her parents immigrated to the United States to give her a better life, Maria has empathy for illegal aliens.


664. empirical [adjective]

based on what is experienced or seen rather than on theory:

Our data is based on empirical evidence collected in numerous studies.


665. emulate [verb]

to copy something achieved by someone else and try to do it as well as they have:

The boy would emulate his father's morning routine, from reading the newspaper to sipping coffee.


666. enamor [verb]

to cause someone to like or love something or someone:

The dancer will use her skillful moves to enamor the judging panel.


667. encomium [noun]

a piece of writing, speech, etc. that praises someone or something:

He pronounced a splendid encomium on her in the forum.


668. endearing [adjective]

making someone like you:

At the beginning of their relationship, the enamored teens would write endearing love notes to each other every day.


669. endemic [adjective]

found particularly in a specific area or group:

The poisonous snake must have come from another country because it is not endemic to our nation.


670. endorse [verb]

to make a public statement of your approval or support for something or someone:

If the president chooses to endorse the politician, he will lose many supporters who oppose the legislator.


671. enervate [verb]

to make someone feel weak and without energy:

The alcohol appeared to enervate your ability to focus at work.


672. engender [verb]

to make people have a particular feeling or make a situation start to exist:

The restaurant hoped the act of giving out free ice cream would engender customer loyalty.


673. enigmatic [adjective]

mysterious and impossible to understand completely:

When I was growing up, I viewed my father as an enigmatic man who rarely spent time with me.


674. enormity [noun]

an extremely evil act or the quality of being extremely evil:

We cannot imagine the enormity of the torture our captured soldiers have endured.


675. enrage [verb]

to cause someone to become very angry:

Plans to build a new baseball park may enrage the nearby homeowners with traffic and noise concerns.






676. enrapture [verb]

to give someone very great pleasure:

I was so enraptured when I walked down the aisle with my father while the other waits at the altar.


677. enshrine [verb]

to contain or keep in a place that is highly admired and respected:

The concept of individual liberty is enshrined in the constitution.


678. enthrall [verb]

to keep someone completely interested:

I was completely enthralled by the handsome actor.


679. entitlement [noun]

something that you have a right to do or have, or the right to do or have something:

The paid holiday entitlement is 25 days under the new policy.


680. entomology [noun]

the scientific study of insects:

Since I’m not into insects, I’m not looking forward to taking the entomology class in this semester.


681. entreat [verb]

to try very hard to persuade someone to do something:

I entreat you to donate some time tomorrow for our neighborhood clean-up program.


682. enumerate [verb]

to name things separately, one by one:

Before the judge began to enumerate the charges against him, he asked to speak privately with the prosecutor.


683. enunciate [verb]

to express and explain a plan or principle clearly or formally:

The speech coach reminded the students to enunciate their words so people could comprehend what they were saying.


684. ephemeral [adjective]

lasting for only a short time:

Ephemeral art painted on the sidewalks will wash away when it rains.


685. epicure [noun]

a person who enjoys high quality food and drink:

My uncle is an epicure who will travel across the country to find a tasty dish.


686. epileptic [adjective]

suffering from or caused by epilepsy:

He was epileptic and refused to take medication for his condition.


687. epistemology [noun]

the part of philosophy that is about the study of how we know things:

Genetic epistemology is the science of how knowledge is acquired.


688. epithet [noun]

a word or phrase used to describe someone, often as an insult:

The epithet “Curly” is used to describe the big football player with the curly hair.


689. epitome [noun]

the typical or highest example of a stated quality, as shown by a particular person or thing:

Because our mayor is the epitome of a good citizen, he has been in office for over ten years.


690. equable [adjective]

not changing suddenly:

Because she is so equable, my even-tempered mother rarely gets upset.


691. equanimity [noun]

a calm mental state, especially after a shock or disappointment or in a difficult situation:

His equanimity allowed him to keep a clear head and escape the burning building.


692. equilateral triangle

a triangle that has all sides the same length:

An equilateral triangle is a triangle in which all three sides are equal.


693. equitable [adjective]

treating everyone fairly and in the same way:

Both sides agreed to try to find an equitable compromise that would please everyone.


694. equivocal [adjective]

unclear and seeming to have two opposing meanings, or confusing and able to be understood in two different ways:

Since the defendant’s alibi is equivocal, the jury will disregard it almost instantly.


695. equivocate [verb]

to speak in a way that is intentionally not clear and confusing to other people, especially to hide the truth:

The courts continue to equivocate as to whether the traditional approach should be maintained.


696. errant [adjective]

going in a wrong direction:

She went to Paris to bring back her errant son.


697. erratic [adjective]

moving or behaving in a way that is not regular, certain, or expected:

When the police officer saw the man driving in an erratic manner, he pulled him over to question him.


698. erroneous [adjective]

wrong or false:

If you have used erroneous statistics in your report, you will have to start over from the beginning.


699. ersatz [adjective]

used instead of something else, usually because the other thing is too expensive or rare:

The art expert quickly recognized the ersatz painting as a fake.


700. erstwhile [adjective]


His erstwhile friends turned against him.





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